Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wishing the Fall Leaves Farewell

"Autumn Light"   18" x 24"   $750 Framed 

We've just had a week of frosty weather and autumn has changed into winter. The dying of the leaves is always tough for me. Our winters in Seattle are short compared to many places, but 4 or 5 months without leaves is never something I look forward to. But I am grateful for the beautiful show the leaves put on as the season closes.

I've been watching this week how the light and colors are changing with the cold. The sky has become more of a blue-green than the rich blue of summer. The greens are tired and faded. The shadows are long. The frost lingers in the cold shadows and there's always a faint low fog in the trees. The light is low and it catches the colorful leaves from the side and sets them ablaze.

This scene is from near the entrance to Marymoor Park in Redmond.

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