Monday, November 25, 2013

Cottage Lake Gardens and Trillium Gifts

I am so honored to be working with Susie Egan of Cottage Lake Gardens again on artwork for her 2014 Trillium Tours Poster! Below, you can see the posters from the last two years that have also featured my watercolors. I was also lucky enough to do the logo artwork for Cottage Lake Gardens a few years back.

Cottage Lake Gardens is an amazing plant nursery just a few miles from where I live that specializes in the endangered wildflowers known as trilliums. It is one of the only places in the world where you can see all the species of trillium in the world growing in one place!

In the spring, Cottage Lake Gardens is a spectacular sight to see! Susie Egan offers her legendary Trillium tea, talk and tours of the garden and has many rare woodland wildflowers and plants for sale. (Tours are limited and you have to sign up early!)

The Cottage Lake Gardens website now includes a section of Trillium Gifts, many of which feature my watercolors, including Trillium Tour posters and Trillium notecards. On the website, you can also purchase the actual trillium plants and sign up for trillium tours coming next May. If you're like me, it's never too early to think spring!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Preparing for December

Hello Friends!

It's been a month since I posted last, so I just wanted to confirm I am still alive and still working! I'm preparing for my December show at Caffe Zingaro on Mercer Street near Seattle Center. I've got four brand new winter paintings to share with you so far, but I will hold you in suspense until December 1st when the show begins!

My show at the Kirkland Public Library has generated so many wonderful new contacts and comments! "Windows and Doors" (shown below) sold last week from the Kirkland Library and will be a beautiful Christmas gift for some lucky person! Thank you to all of you who've been to the library to see my paintings! The work will be on display and available through the end of this year, so there's still time to check it out!

"Windows and Doors, Lan Su"  18" x 24"  SOLD

If you're thinking about Christmas gifts, my 2014 Art Calendars are available for $24.25 each. (If you buy several, the price goes down.) To take a look at the calendars and see the paintings on each page, CLICK HERE.

2014 Calendars Available from

Thank you all for your encouragement and support!
Watch for my new artwork coming December 1st!