Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Autumn Leaves

Autumn's Stained Glass  11" x 15"  Framed $525
Clear autumn days can be just magical. The low-angled sunshine highlights the drama and color of the changing leaves. Walking under the trees, I feel like I'm in a cathedral surrounded by colorful stained glass windows as the trees sing hymns to their maker in the golden light.

This painting is available through

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fiddlehead Unfurling

Unfurling   8"x 8"   Framed $225
Aren't the fiddleheads of ferns remarkable? A whole fern frond wrapped up neatly in a perfect spiral package. A spring of organic life unloading its potential energy. A mathematical golden spiral unfurling a magnificent fractal form.

I grow several Tasmanian Tree Ferns (Dicksonia antarctica) in my garden. They're in pots and must be moved into the garage during the coldest part of the winter, but they love cool, damp Seattle weather. The fronds are huge and the fiddleheads are so very impressive as they emerge.

This original watercolor painting is currently available on