If you live in the Seattle area, you've probably noticed that every summer weekend is just packed with art fairs and festivals. Father's Day is one of the first big festival weekends. If you're looking for an outing this weekend, here are a few suggestions where you can take Dad and maybe see some of my paintings as well!
One of the biggest and best art fairs in the region! My painting "Methow Valley Sunrise" is inside in the juried art show.
Fall City Days, Saturday, June 16 in Fall City, WA
Don't miss the big parade in the morning and all the food and fun! Visit Quirkz of Art right on the main road through town and see my paintings and the work of many other local artists. If you're looking for a Father's Day gift, they have a number of very affordable prints of my work, including prints of my recent painting "Cathedrals of Shade" showing a Dad and child biking together on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail.

Seven pieces of my artwork are currently featured in the Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center as part of their "Art in Nature" exhibit organized through EAFA. The Mercer Slough is a beautiful 320 acre nature park just south of downtown Bellevue. It includes wetlands and meadows and 4 miles of trails. They even do canoe tours! Take Dad for a walk! For information on the park location, Visitor Center hours, and programs, click here.