I'm so pleased to have had a painting accepted into this year's Edmonds Arts Festival Juried Show! My painting,
The Bridge to Far Away will be there this coming weekend. I hope you get a chance to attend!
The Bridge to Far Away, 18' x 24", SOLD |
The Bridge to Far Away is a view of the Japanese Garden in a beautiful estate in England called Tatton Park. We visited there several years ago on a typical misty English day. The weather suited the mood of the place perfectly. From this viewpoint, the little teahouse looks like the perfect quiet retreat, far from the business and noise of daily life.
Can you spot the frog? In paintings where the scale is appropriate, I like to hide a little frog or two. No, I don't collect frogs or even think they are especially cute. Because they breathe through their skin, frogs, like other amphibians, are so very sensitive to their enviroment. They have trouble surviving the smallest change in moisture, temperature, or the slightest bit of toxic material. The presence of frogs indicates that the environment is healthy and in balance. Watch for the frogs in my other paintings. In my watercolors, life is in balance and the earth's power is at full strength. ...And the frogs are very happy.